Creating the Intimate Connection
The Basics of Emotional Intimacy
By Daniel Beaver
©2011, 212 pages
Early in his career, Dan discovered that people were never taught how to develop an intimate relationship. We are taught how to read, write, drive, play sports, and use a computer. But nowhere in our society are we taught how to develop or maintain an intimate relationship. Most of us learned from TV shows. Some generations were taught by Ozzie and Harriet Nelson or Ward and June Cleaver. Other generations learned from their favorite soap operas, or maybe The Waltons, Cliff and Clair Huxtable, Roseanne, Friends, or 7th Heaven. We now have Desperate Housewives, The O.C., and a multitude of reality shows. Almost everyone learns something about intimacy from their parents, but few had the luxury of learning good skills. Most of us have not.
In working with thousands of couples over the past 46 years, Dan heard a common theme from almost everyone: upon committing to a lifelong relationship (marriage, etc.) they were totally unprepared for knowing how to develop and maintain an intimate relationship that lasts a lifetime. Because of his desire to help people, Dan developed a process that enables everyone to create the relationship of their dreams. He delivers information that addresses a major need and fulfills our desire for details on how to have greater fulfillment in an intimate relationship. His passion is to help people; his style is powerful, straightforward, warm, and engaging. Originally published by Harper & Row in 1983 under the title, Beyond the Marriage Fantasy. This new edition has a new title and new updates published by Cognella in 2011.