Dan is passionate about helping people; his style is powerful, straightforward, warm and engaging.


Dan is available as a public speaker, providing tools that address major emotional needs and tips on how to attain greater fulfillment in intimate relationships.

Dan is passionate about helping people; his style is powerful, straightforward, warm and engaging. Whether he is addressing a small or large audience, Dan speaks with passion about the subject of intimacy. He uses humor to keep his audience entertained while at the same time discussing very serious subjects. It would be difficult to walk away from one of Dan’s seminars, workshops or presentations without a higher awareness and understanding of intimacy that would apply to anyone’s personal life.

Whether you’re single, in a committed relationship, married or divorced, you will find Dan’s material relevant to your life. No gimmicks, jargon or psychobabble–just plain, straight talk about how to bring more intimacy into your life. Dan has used his dynamic approach to speak to hundreds of different groups over his fourty-plus years of professional speaking–including community groups, parent groups, churches, singles’ groups, business and corporate groups–and all types of conferences.


Daniel Beaver has developed a series of seminars and workshops that are designed for people wishing to improve, create, or heal an intimate relationship. The workshops are intended to give an understanding of the concepts and behaviors that help or inhibit emotional and physical intimacy. This understanding is then applied towards developing skills for managing emotional power and creating fulfilling intimate relationships.

Fall in Love Again with Your First Love: Yourself!™

Working out your self-esteem muscles can begin your path to love. If you can’t fall and stay in love with yourself why would anyone else? Many people seek and rely on another to boost their self-esteem. Others feel no value unless they receive external validation from a romantic partner.



The Challenge: Without self-love no amount of affection from another can ease the insecurities that romantic love triggers.

The Truth:
Life gives you what you think you’re worth. One may expect a fairy tale ending but unrealistic expectations compounded with low self-worth results in frustration instead of happiness. How you feel about yourself: truly, madly, deeply determines destiny, especially in your romantic life. Self-love is a potent antidote to destructive relationship patterns and choices. Self-love is simply a high regard for oneself independent of other people’s opinions.

Let Dan teach you how to develop this vital foundation to any true love story.

In this engaging seminar learn how to:

❤ Be an adult in a relationship by first being able to take care of yourself emotionally and financially

❤ Communicate with yourself in a loving manner

❤ Set psychological boundaries within yourself and another person

❤ Honor and respect your feelings and that of someone else

❤ Rewrite the identity and beliefs that others have written for you

❤ Remove the fear of rejection that is ruling your personal life

❤ Break free of the “perfection trap” of should and should nots

❤ Develop an internal antidote against addictive and co-dependant relationships

Returning Intimacy to Your Relationship™

People want an intimate and lasting romantic relationship but few know how to make this wish a reality. Do you miss the person you fell in love with? Be honest. Where did you learn your idea of what a marriage should be? Did you get it from fairy tales, television, romance novels, magazines, friends, or advertising? Most people would probably say all of the above.


The marriage fantasy is just that – a fantasy! Reality is not the same. It may sound funny but it’s true that many women and men today still enter marriage based on a Disney script. Approximately 50 percent of divorces can be traced to these fantastical notions.

Breakout of the preconditioned roles of good spouse and learn how to express real emotions. The lifeblood of any strong marriage requires the ability to send and receive intimate communication. Without the skills to resolve conflict, intimacy is blocked, unfinished business builds, and breakdown occurs. Dan will help you understand the common relationship patterns of a marriage fantasy and how to move towards a healthy
marriage reality. Living the marriage fantasy often creates destructive patterns instead of marital intimacy. To return intimacy to your relationship, you need to break free of stereotypes and create a real relationship with each other.

Get your lover back. Dan will help you by:

❤ Presenting a straightforward interactive workshop with teaching exercises that model how committed couples keep their love life alive, intimate, and gratifying

❤ Teaching you how to make every night a date night through intimate listening and developing your “third ear”

❤ Cultivating contracts for harmony through effective conflict resolution

❤ Learning to love the differences and preventing resentment

❤ Showing how to express and deal with vulnerability in order to achieve real intimacy

Sex for Pleasure and Deeper Intimacy™

Sex and relationship theory is more than just applying what Kinsey or Masters and Johnson wrote about. Sex and intimacy are more than learning technique. The last time there was a national conversation about sex it was Dr. Ruth instead of Dr. Phil on the airwaves. In the last 20 years, John Gray taught about Mars and Venus but everyday men and women live on Earth. John Bradshaw focused on healing the past before it overshadowed one’s relationships but what about healing today’s problems? Barbara De Angelis presented a female point-of-view.


Now, Dan Beaver offers a man’s perspective. Enriching a couple’s love life requires cultivating an emotional aphrodisiac: the honest vulnerability, communication, and connection that fuels physical intimacy.

Dan Beaver proclaims that everyone has a right to a satisfying physical relationship. His three decades of experience as a sex therapist give him tremendous insight for couples. In his private practice Dan tells couples that sex does not have to be boring or unexciting. Dan explores key psychological concepts and attitudes to enhance the level of sexual pleasure both emotionally and physically.

In this seminar Dan covers:

❤ How the meat and potatoes sexual menu can be explored in-depth with a new approach to radical intimacy in a sexual encounter

❤ Intimate secrets, concepts, and lessons for couples of all ages and stages

❤ Sex for pleasure and deeper intimacy

❤ Sex like a second honeymoon for the first time: how often is normal, whole body sex, resurrecting passion

❤ Sex for pleasure not babies

❤ The causes of common sexual difficulties and their remedies


Whether you need a speaker for a small group, a workshop leader at a conference or a keynote speaker, Dan can work with you to tailor a workshop to meet your group’s needs.